Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Persephone

So, for those of you interested, here are more
pictures of my little kitten, Persephone.
I've been wanting a pet ever since I was 3.
But we all know that mom was allergic, and
dad pretended to be allergic to animals, which
left me only with goldfish, not exactly the most
exciting pet for a little kid. But now I'm a big kid
and so I decided to get a real pet. And yes i do
consider cat's a 'real pet'. I was trying to figure
out how I was going to afford to get a real pet
and had sort of given up expecting not to be able
to get one until at least summer or next year.
But, amazingly I stumbled across a site that had
pics of some adorable kittens and fell in love with
this little one. When I e-mailed the owner asking
about this cutie pie I got a response back telling me
that they would not charge me anything and just
wanted to find a good home for their kittens but
didn't want any 'crazies'. Apparently I don't fall
under the category of 'crazy' and so I got my kitten!

Perhaps I am biased but I think she's adorable!

She was sprawled out on my futon, having a nice
cat nap. I think the flash woke her up. She gave
me a look like 'hey, I'm sleeping here!'

Again, who couldn't love her? She's extremely playful
and pounces rather than walks. It's pretty entertaining.

I get the feeling that she's somewhat of a ham.
She's always trying to get me to pay attention to her.
"look what I can do!" Hmmmm... sound like someone
else we know?

Saturday, April 25, 2009



I got a little kitten. She's 9 weeks
old and absolutely adorable. Just brought
her home today, and she's getting used to
the apartment.

She's just so itty bitty! LOVE HER!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So I got my new camera and I started playing around
with it the night I got it. Here are some of the pics I took.

Tofer and Paul working on their music outside.


This is how amy and I work on our music.
Be amazing by our impressive guitar hero skills.
(my impressively awful talent might I add)
Me cheezing for the camera while driving.
Don't worry we were at a stop light.

Vye and I

Little Finn. He always looks so serious. But he
loves me. I get to spend a lot of time with this cute
little guy. He's quite energetic and is always bouncing
around or crawling at the speed of light.

The other cute Moran child with his mommy.
Mickey was being quite crazy when we visited his dad
and Christine at work. He finally settled down when
someone found him a little toy drum set to play with.
He adores drums and was enamored by then until
the time they left. He's gonna be a little rock star.

Me trying to threaten Vye.
She's trying not to laugh and she says,
"What? I didn't do it!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Birthday Present to Myself

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It's official

It is official. No matter how long you hold on to denial, reality eventually comes up to bite you. 23, eek. I know it's still young, but I was trying to hold off on this day for as long as possible. Sigh. Well you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join 'em. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get over the disappointment of becoming old and embrace it. I'll get there. ;-)

Well, seeing as I am now officially *gulp* 23, I suppose I will be joining the real world. So I figured I'd do what the big kids do and start a blog. I am getting a new camera for my birthday, my family helped out to fund this. :D I have to say I am truly blessed. Although I was not looking forward to this birthday, I have to say, the presents so far have been fabulous! Dad, Deonni, AJ, Julie and Granny have donated to my camera fund. I realize how amazing it is that I will be able to get something like this considering the economy and I appreciate the generosity of my family so much. You noticed I said 'presents' with an 's'. Yes, I did get another one. While the first gift is rocking my socks off, this second one left me at a loss for words. My sister, Terri, and her husband Vance are being EXTREMELY generous and are going to pay for my registration for NEXT. How amazing is that?!?!? Just this week, not days before Terri informed me of her staggering present, how on earth I was going to be able to go to the retreat. For those of you unaware, NEXT is the new name for what used to be NEW ATTITUDE. Its over memorial day weekend and is a conference for younger individuals (mostly I think). I am VERY excited to be able to go to this if you can't tell. I don't know how to thank my family enough for their generosity and love they have given to me. So if you happen to be one of those *blessed* individuals who are related to me, just know that I love you so much and am really and truly at a loss for words as to express how much.

Once I get my camera this blog should hopefully be much more interesting. I plan on being trigger happy and capturing the wonderful parts of my life on film. Hmm.. I wonder if 'film' is really the correct word seeing as it is digital. Oh well. Do not fret my good people, you are about to be up to date with what is going on in my life. Be prepared to roll your eyes at how many pictures of Melia show up on here, sadly my other precious niece and nephew do not live nearby, but I'll snap up a lot of them whenever I get to see them. Hope you will all enjoy this. And don't be expecting too much. I am not my brilliant sister, and I am sure this will not be nearly as funny and well written as her blog is. Forgive me in advance. You can't say I didn't warn you. :)